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By Mike Billy – Mid West Beer Blog If you’re a beer drinker — and hey, if you’re reading this you probably are — you might be sick of ringing in the New Year with bubbly Champagne or sparkling wine.
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By Mike Billy – Mid West Beer Blog If you’re a beer drinker — and hey, if you’re reading this you probably are — you might be sick of ringing in the New Year with bubbly Champagne or sparkling wine.
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By Herr Mike Agree, or agree to disagree, these are the beers that made a huge impression on my taste buds this past year.
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By Briggsy – Real Ale Up North It’s not often you witness a pub being renovated back to its original layout. However, owner, Sam Smiths decided to do this, with one of the few pubs they owned in East Lancashire.
This is hysterical! I never knew The Grinch was a hop head! Enjoy this holiday video and have a Merry Christmas!
Produced by Alchemist Beer
Here is Bob and Doug’s version of the “12 Days of (Canadian) Christmas” from their album “The Great White North” released in 1981. What would Christmas be without it! MERRY CHRISTMAS HOSER!!!
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By Fontina Turner – Bacon & Legs As I write this column, the snow is falling outside my new place in the Cleve. I have moved from my beloved Philadelphia, where I have been for my entire adult life, back to my home state. While I am sad that …
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By Herr Mike It’s the most wonderful time of the year! For Beer that is! I always look forward to all the winter brews that come out (usually right after Halloween) to help celebrate the holidays with family and friends.
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By Mike Billy – Mid West Beer Blog It’s no secret that craft beer drinkers can sometimes be a finicky bunch. Each has his or her own favorite beer, brewery and style. But that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult to find gifts for each of them
In the third episode of “First We Feast Presents…That’s Odd, Let’s Drink It,” mad brewer Sam Calagione meets up with rap phenomenon Mac Miller in New York City to share a special whiskey-infused brew that’s built to age well—like a great album. Continue reading
The ongoing battle between beer and wine has raged on for centuries. Each has their own benefits as far as your health is concerned. Of course, too much of either can be detrimental to your health. Continue reading