It’s that time of year again! The Super Bowl is upon us and millions of people will getting their drink on! So as a fun little preview we have this compilation of bad lip reading NFL style! Crack open a brew and enjoy! Continue reading
Month: February 2016
Classy as Fudge

This gallery contains 1 photo.
By Fontina Turner – Bacon & Legs As a follow up to last week’s beer-candied orange peel recipe, I wanted to give you guys another chance to cook with the Southern Tier Choklat Oranj. While the candy is delicious on its own, I wanted to use it to enhance another recipe: orange fudge.
Beneficial Brew: The Unexpected Health Benefits of Beer

This gallery contains 4 photos.
by Abby Quillen Beer suffers from a bad rap. Red wine is often celebrated as a healthy beverage in moderation, but beer is put down as a fattening party drink. Despite this stigma, beer drinkers may want to raise a pint to their health. A growing body of research …