Once upon a time all beers were barrel-aged. Now we have big metal fermenters and kegs instead, but some brewers are going back to the wood. Continue reading
Month: June 2016
Beer Meme Madness! (TGIF Edition)
Pork Krispie Treats

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By Fontina Turner – Bacon & Legs Beer!? For Breakfast!? I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m enjoying a nice little dessert from my childhood, the one thing that comes to mind is: “man, this could use some beer and bacon.” Am I alone here? I didn’t think …
Hop to it: How to buy a brewery

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US expat Carl Setzer and his wife Liu Fang launched Great Leap Brewing in Beijing with $50,000. (Great Leap Brewing) By Alina Dizik – BBC Capital When Carl Setzer, 31, decided to quit an unrewarding risk management job in China’s capital Beijing, he knew his next move had to …
How to Make Beer (Infographic)
Herr Mike’s Booze Run With The Ladies Circa 1988
I dug this one out of the archives! Herr Mike makes a booze run with the girls in Belmar NJ back in 1988. Some crazy times down at the Jersey Shore!
Review Of Sierra Nevada – 2016 Beer Camp Variety Pack

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By Herr Mike The first “Beer Camp” was released in 2014 and featured 12 different brewery collaborations with Sierra Nevada. Nothing on this scale had never been done before so it was pretty cool and the variety pack gave the consumer a chance to try 12 different and unique brews, …
Beer-Candied Orange Peels

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By Fontina Turner – Bacon & Legs As a maker of yummy edibles, my recipes often come from an inspiration ingredient. This week, that was so. While perusing my local bottle shop, I happened upon a bottle of Southern Tier’s newest offering, Choklat Orange. It’s a new version of their …