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By Herr Mike If there is one thing that pisses me off is when I go into a liquor store to buy beer and I have to play “The Beer Price Guessing Game”!
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By Herr Mike If there is one thing that pisses me off is when I go into a liquor store to buy beer and I have to play “The Beer Price Guessing Game”!
This gallery contains 3 photos.
US expat Carl Setzer and his wife Liu Fang launched Great Leap Brewing in Beijing with $50,000. (Great Leap Brewing) By Alina Dizik – BBC Capital When Carl Setzer, 31, decided to quit an unrewarding risk management job in China’s capital Beijing, he knew his next move had to …
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By Eric Barton – BBC Capital In 2011, shortly after Mike Sharkey took venture capital money for his San Francisco startup, one of the investors asked him an unexpected question: “So, when are we having our first board meeting?”