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By Craft Brew Gal
Britain is famous for its love of real ale, but how is it different to keg beer? And why do some people think real ale fusty and boring? So what is real ale? Continue reading
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By Herr Mike It’s October and the winter brews should be hitting the shelves any week now. Before you get your mouth wrapped around a nice Winter Warmer, Barleywine or Stout , take a look at some of the pumpkin beers in the list below because you could have …
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By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer Live Science The hops found in beer not only add flavor, but also may lessen the damaging effects of alcohol on the liver, a new study in mice suggests. In the study, the researchers gave mice regular beer with hops, a special beer without hops, …
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By Jessica Smith – Cascadian Ryhthm Located in delightful Sisters, Oregon, Hop in the Spa is the very first craft beer spa in the United States.
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By Fontina Turner – Bacon & Legs If I could have dinner ANYWHERE, where would I go? I’ve done some traveling in my little stay on this Earth so far, but not a ton. The one place that QUICKLY came to mind though, was Belgium.
The biggest beer drinking party in the world. Of course some people can’t make it through. Grab a brew and watch these Oktoberfest fails! PROST!