Review Of Sierra Nevada – 2016 Beer Camp Variety Pack

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By Herr Mike The first “Beer Camp” was released in 2014 and featured 12 different brewery collaborations with Sierra Nevada. Nothing on this scale had never been done before so it was pretty cool and the variety pack gave the consumer a chance to try 12 different and unique brews, …
Beer-Candied Orange Peels

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By Fontina Turner – Bacon & Legs As a maker of yummy edibles, my recipes often come from an inspiration ingredient. This week, that was so. While perusing my local bottle shop, I happened upon a bottle of Southern Tier’s newest offering, Choklat Orange. It’s a new version of their …
Beer Meme Madness! (Memorial Day Edition)

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Happy Memorial Day! The official kick off to summer! Have a safe and beer filled holiday and remember what this day is about, honoring and remembering the men and women who served and gave their lives for our country.
If You’ve Never Tasted Craft Beer, Then You’ve Never Tasted Beer!
We invited people of different ages who had never tried craft beer before. The expressions on their faces says it all. Some people got it, some didn’t.
Check out more awesome beer videos at Bier-Deluxe
Why British Beer Is Huge In China

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Some of Britain’s best-loved ales are seeing an explosion of interest from Asia. Norman Miller looks behind the numbers to examine their new-found popularity.
Pondering Pairings of Music and Craft Beer at Coachella; La Quinta Brewing Nabs a Big Medal

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By Erin Peters – The Beer Goddess Just when you thought the beer offerings at the annual music festival couldn’t get any more awesome, this year proved to be the most refreshing and abundant yet. Not only was did the craft beer barn make a star studded appearance for the …
What Are Hops?
Ever wondered what hops are, or where they come from, or what they do in a beer? Well wonder no more! Jonny tells you all from a Saaz hop farm in the Czech Republic. Continue reading
Buffalo Blue Scalloped Potatoes

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By Fontina Turner – Bacon & Legs Sometimes I like a beer so much that I get overly excited in my purchasing. It’s the whole “eyes were bigger than my stomach” syndrome… but I like to call it “my eyes were bigger than my liver”. To combat my stuffed beer …
Beer Meme Madness! (Friday The 13th Edition)

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Whether you’re a fan or not, Jason is one scary SOB! Some people get all scared on “Friday The 13th” so grab a brew, check out these special memes, and take the edge off! It’s Friday baby!!