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By Herr Mike Some like it wet when it comes to IPA’s or Pale Ales that use fresh hops that are added sometimes within hours after picking. These beers are sometimes called Harvest Ales or Fresh Hopped Ales.
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By Herr Mike Some like it wet when it comes to IPA’s or Pale Ales that use fresh hops that are added sometimes within hours after picking. These beers are sometimes called Harvest Ales or Fresh Hopped Ales.
This gallery contains 2 photos.
By Rachael Rettner, Senior Writer Live Science The hops found in beer not only add flavor, but also may lessen the damaging effects of alcohol on the liver, a new study in mice suggests. In the study, the researchers gave mice regular beer with hops, a special beer without hops, …
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Hops! Mother Nature’s gift to the brewer! What would beer be without them? (Really really sweet! LOL!) Hops are one of the four basic ingredients in brewing our favorite beverage. The other three essential ones are water, malted barley and yeast. It truly is amazing what type of flavors can …
Ever wondered what hops are, or where they come from, or what they do in a beer? Well wonder no more! Jonny tells you all from a Saaz hop farm in the Czech Republic. Continue reading
This is a story of Craft Beer.